Here’s what you need to know about major solar panel savings.

I have exciting news for North Carolina residents who are considering solar panel installation. Starting May 2024, Duke Energy customers installing new solar panels and a battery system can qualify for a power pair rebate of up to $9,000 to $3,600 for solar and $5,400 for batteries.

Combine this rebate with the 30% federal solar tax credit, and your savings soar to 52%! It’s a great time to explore solar with battery backup. The program is limited to 6,000 homes statewide, so act swiftly. Applications open in May 2024. To apply, ensure your system design is ready and submit a complete interconnection request to Duke Energy.

This program is fantastic, providing an added incentive for consumers to adopt green energy and fortify their systems with resilient batteries. With battery backup, power loss is no longer a concern during grid outages. If you have questions about the power pair rebate program or want guidance on starting the process, contact me at [email protected] or call 919-759-6359.

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